South Jerrabomberra – Construction Update – June 2023

  • South Jerrabomberra – Construction Update – June 2023 image

Newest Land Registration: COMPLETE

Construction has progressed rapidly at South Jerrabomberra as settlements continue and more homes reach completion.

June has seen our latest stage and its 32 lots registered as The Village Building Co. soon embarks on building multiple 3, 4 and 5 bedroom house and land packages.

Town Park Earthworks: SOON COMPLETE

Scheduled for completion in early 2024, the Town Park is progressing rapidly with bulk earthworks soon complete.

The Town Park will include amenities such as a community centre with function rooms, playground with nature play area, splash pad, learn to ride facility, BBQ facilities, outdoor gym, sculpture trail and village green.

Regional Sports Complex

Concrete slabs for the major and minor pavilions have been completed and the frames for the minor pavilion have been erected. Block and frame work on the major pavilion will be starting soon.

The turf has begun to be laid on one of the complex’s natural grass soccer fields and the asphalt underlay is being installed on one of the artificial grass hockey fields.

When complete, the project will deliver:
– Three football pitches.
– One first grade hockey pitch.
– Three natural grass warm up pitches.
– Club rooms and amenities, car parking and lighting.