South Jerrabomberra – Construction Update – January 2021

  • South Jerrabomberra – Construction Update – January 2021 image

Happy New Year and welcome to the first construction update of 2021.

Favourable weather conditions throughout December and January have allowed construction to concentrate on the water, sewer and utility services along Environa Drive and into Release 2. The weather has also meant that trenches have been back filled and more of the surface construction across the project has been completed.

The landscape continues to be a key focus of works along both Environa Drive and within Stage 1A of the estate, allowing us to plant and establish advanced trees. Landscape teams were on site over the Christmas period to ensure trees were watered on a regular rotation. Further grass seeding has been completed to stablise blocks and minimise dust and erosion.

The shared path network is also advancing and now reaches mid way along Environa Drive from the estate.
The concrete approaches at the bridge are complete and pavement works are connecting the bridge to Environa Drive. The first layer of the pavement gravel now extends from the estate all the way along Environa Drive to the roundabout, just prior to the bridge.

The low level reservoir has passed hydro static testing (water tight testing). In addition, two of the three concrete pours have been completed on the high level reservoir. Construction of the water pump station and pipework is now well advanced.

We look forward to bringing you further updates as the year progresses, along with construction!