South Jerrabomberra Construction Update – April 2020
There has been significant progress on the civil infrastructure work at South Jerrabomberra over recent months:
- Installation of hydraulic services (water, sewer and stormwater) is close to finalisation.
- Roads throughout Stage 1A have all been formed and half have now been covered with the first layer of road base gravel.
- Installation of the concrete kerbs has commenced.
In the coming weeks, Canberra Contractors will be undertaking the following:
- Trenching and installation of utilities (gas, electricity and communications).
- Completion of the concrete kerbs across all roads in Stage 1A
- Additional gravel layers will be added to the roads to match the completed concrete kerb height.
Lastly, all Stages of the Northern Entry road, that will connect South Jerrabomberra to Tompsitt Drive, have achieved Council approval and contractors are now establishing equipment and resources on site ready for the commencement of construction.
View our latest flyover video to take a closer look at works on site.
With a range of restrictions in place across the country due to COVID-19 we wanted to assure you that Village is still open for business.
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