PRIZE WINNERS – MBA and ACH Excellence Awards 2022

  • PRIZE WINNERS – MBA and ACH Excellence Awards 2022 image

As published last week, the Village Building Company was invited to attend this year’s Master Builders (MBA) and Asset Construction Hire (ACH) Excellence Awards on Friday the 9th of September at the National Convention Centre. 

The night provided an opportunity for all in attendance to commend the successes and achievements of the ACT’s most outstanding builders, individuals, contractors and industry partners.  

The pre-event excitement was ripe among our representatives in attendance as Village Building Company went into the event having received nominations for four project awards for the work done on our newest development out in South Jerrabomberra as well as three individual awards. 

Find out more about our nominations: AWARD NOMINATIONS 2022

With hundreds in attendance, the entertainment on show impressed and went beyond expectation. From impressive musical acts headlined by none less than Kylie Minogue, to appearances by keynote speakers and speeches from award winners, the night was forever memorable and made for a great celebratory spectacle. 

We wish to pass on our many thanks to all at Master Builders and Asset Construction Hire that helped, contributed and planned the event. We now turn our heads to next year and aim for better and even more success as we continue to provide high quality homes at affordable prices.