Beginning of Construction at Trilogy Place, South Morang

  • Beginning of Construction at Trilogy Place, South Morang image

Sod-Turning Ceremony Marks Beginning of Construction at Trilogy Place, South Morang

Buyers of homes in Trilogy Place at South Morang are a step closer to moving in with the arrival of heavy machinery to commence construction works at the site.

Local dignitaries and representatives of Village Building Company marked the milestone at a sod-turning ceremony this morning.

Village’s Victoria State Manager Tom Maidment said: “We are excited to be at this point today, marking commencement of construction at Trilogy Place. This promises to create a vibrant, quality community for our homebuyers.”

He said the architect-designed homes would maximize natural light and benefit from views over local parkland, while efforts had been made to ensure trilogy Place contributed to the broader community.

Mr Maidment said: “At Village we place an emphasis on connecting communities, and we have worked hard to engage with neighbours, council and surrounding amenities to ensure Trilogy Place enhances the South Morang area.”

“Village has worked closely with council to design the community around the highly-valued river red gums that extend into the large reserve areas. The company has also contributed to the creation of Pipe Track Park adjoining this site, providing a recreation area not only for Trilogy Place residents but also for the local community to enjoy.”

Civil works are scheduled for completion in Spring this year, with construction of the first homes beginning soon therafter.

“Today is a milestone in the evolution of this community for our buyers, and we are confident in its success,” Mr Maidment said.

Trilogy Place - Construction Commenced

Trilogy Place - Construction Commenced

Trilogy Place - Construction Commenced

Trilogy Place - Construction Commenced

Trilogy Place - Construction Commenced

Trilogy Place - Construction Commenced